Dental implants for missing teeth

Having gaps between your teeth can be a major confidence killer and often people with this issue will be wary of smiling and laughing. Dental implants near Mirfield are an effective solution to this problem. At Greenside Dental Care, we pride ourselves on providing our patients with a smooth and satisfying treatment so they can regain their confidence and be able to smile and laugh again.

Dental Implants near MirfieldHow are dental implants fitted?

Dental implants have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to new materials and placement techniques that have made them much more versatile. This is because they provide a fully functional tooth restoration. Having implants fitted requires minor oral surgery under local anaesthetic, during which special channels are drilled into the jawbone into which the implants are inserted. This is not a particularly painful procedure, and you will be numbed for it. If, however, the idea of it makes you anxious, you can receive sedation. This way you can be fully relaxed for the procedure, and yet still able to respond to the dentist. You may find it hard to remember the procedure afterwards. On that note, it is important to understand the parts and treatment process for dental implants.

There are three component parts to dental implants at Greenside Dental Care: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is a titanium screw that is placed in your gum. An internal screw called an abutment is fitted into this and the artificial teeth attached to it, either as single crowns, bridges of a few teeth or entire arches. As for the treatment procedure, there are three main stages. Firstly, under mild anaesthetics our dentist will insert an implant into your gum. After that begins the healing stage where new bone tissues grows around and meshes with the implants. Finally, once the implant has stabilised within the jawbone, our dentists will place your new custom-made crown(s) onto the implants. Overall this process can take up to six months depending on how quickly your jawbone meshes with implants.

What will happen?

Our practice, Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield can provide patients with the chance of regaining lost teeth and lost confidence due to injury or health problems.