Life beyond missing teeth

If you have lost teeth, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. You may also have noticed that your face is starting to sag because it is not getting the support it used to from a full set of teeth. People lose their teeth for different reasons. Age, accidents or underlying health issues can all result in gaps in your mouth. Gaps can be unsightly as well as causing problems with everyday activities, such as eating and speaking. Sometimes dentures can be unsatisfactory but there are alternatives. For patients at Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants are a stable, permanent solution that fits into their lifestyle.

Dental Implants near MirfieldHow do dental implants work?

The implants function in the same way as natural tooth roots. They consist of small metal screws that are fitted into jaw during a minor surgical procedure. During the healing process, the bones and blood vessels mesh around them to hold them in place. When they are stable, they can be used as a secure base for a single replacement tooth, several teeth or a whole set of dentures. You will need to care for your replacement teeth in the same way as natural teeth but, if you do, having dental implants near Mirfield can be an effective, long-term restoration that can last several decades.

What are the advantages?

The most obvious benefit is a great smile, but because implants replace natural teeth roots, you will find that you hardly notice that you have them. Your new teeth are carefully made to match the tone and shape of existing teeth so your improved appearance will be very natural. Patients who have had dental implants near Mirfield find that their replacement teeth are secure so they can talk without fear of dentures falling out and enjoy a full range of food again. Having dental implants near Mirfield also improves the strength of your jaw as they stimulate the bone in the same way as a natural tooth root. This prevents the shrinkage that can occur in people who wear dentures.

Find out how having dental implants near Mirfield has benefitted hundreds of people and get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.