Single tooth replacement with dental implants near Mirfield

You may be taking very good care of your teeth, but sometimes accidents happen. Whether the result of trauma, injury or oral disease, tooth loss can be a very stressful experience for many people. Nonetheless, replacing a missing or failing tooth with a single-tooth implant has many advantages over other tooth replacement options such as bridges.

Dental Implants near MirfieldAt Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants are our treatment of choice when it comes to replacing missing teeth. In most cases, the treatment is very quick, virtually pain-free, and the recovery is normally simple and straightforward. Once your implant has fused into your jawbone, it will become an essential structural component of your mouth along with the rest of your natural teeth.

How does it work?

The replacement of a single missing tooth with a dental implant, is often completed over multiple visits to our dental practice near Mirfield. During your consultation appointment, we will carefully examine your teeth and gums and ask you questions about your dental and medical history. Our dentists will determine whether dental implants are a viable solution for you and discuss your treatment options.

Placement of the dental implant requires a minor operation, during which a small titanium post will be inserted into your jawbone. You do not have to be left with a visible gap during any stage of your treatment, therefore we will discuss your options for filling the gap with a temporary crown. Once the site of the surgery has healed and the dental implant has integrated into the jawbone, we will proceed with the placement of the permanent crown. The final outcome will be a replacement tooth that looks, feels and functions exactly like your natural teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Unlike other types of tooth replacement, such as bridges and dentures, that have a limited life span, dental implants can last a lifetime if they are properly placed and cared for. More importantly, dental implants prevent bone deterioration and encourage the growth of new bone tissue, simply be replacing your natural tooth roots. Finally, dental implants reduce the danger of gum disease developed by food bacteria developed in the gap created by a missing tooth.

Get in touch

To learn more about dental implants near Mirfield, contact us today.