Restoring your teeth, the modern way

If you have lost teeth or are coping with dentures, you will know that everyday activities such as eating and speaking can be difficult or uncomfortable. It can also seriously affect your appearance and how you feel about yourself. We would all love a beautiful smile that we do not have to worry about and, for our patients at Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants can provide just that. Dental implants are a secure, permanent solution that fits into your lifestyle and avoids the issues related to dentures.

Dental Implants near MirfieldHow do dental implants near Mirfield work?

The implants are carefully designed titanium screws that are fitted into the jaw during a minor surgical procedure, carried out under local anaesthetic. They are hidden beneath the gum and held in place by the bones and blood vessels meshing around them. When they are stable, the implants can be used as a secure base for a single replacement tooth, several teeth or a whole set of dentures. They function just like natural tooth roots, so that you can eat your favourite foods again and, apart from regular care, you can forget that you have them. An added benefit is that the implants stimulate the jaw and strengthen the bone when you bite or chew. If you have replacements that just sit on top of the gum, such as dentures or bridges, this does not happen and the tissues in the jaw can shrink back.

How many implants will I need?

Patients looking for dental implants near Mirfield often ask us how many they will need to replace multiple missing teeth. The good news is that one implant can usually support several replacement teeth so you will not need as many implants as you might imagine. We carefully assess your mouth using scans and x-rays. This allows us to plan your treatment and ensure that the implants can withstand the pressure created by eating. When you have dental implants near Mirfield with us, we look at the specific work you need to get the results that you want.

To help restore your quality of life and overall wellbeing, you may like to explore how having dental implants near Mirfield could benefit you.